Wednesday, March 16, 2011

[ALERT] Nuclear Event Scale goes to 6 out of 7

• Fears of a catastrophe at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan escalated following a third explosion and a fire in another reactor that caused radiation to rise to harmful levels.
France's ASN nuclear safety authority says the nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi plant could now be classed as level six out of the International Nuclear Event Scale of one to seven.

Guardian link


  1. Spent most of free time reading about Chernobyl today - Chernobyl started from a test of a new system meant to bridge the one or two minute gap that no electricity would be available during an emergency. If power from the grid went down, they had back up generators that needed some precious minutes to start. The short in between time was judged dangerous.

    If the back up generators in Japan were out from the tsunami and grid is still down, where is the plant's electricity to run the pumps coming from?

  2. I read in the Times that a series of fire trucks are pumping water into the plant. Incredible.
